Sunday, July 19, 2009

Traveling and Motion Sickness...

I've got it :( Each summer we usually drive 17-18 hours east or west to visit family, just depends which year it is. Each year it seems to get worse, and I'm really limited on the activities I can do in the car. I can't read, write, or color or I just feel terrible. This year decided to try something about it, but couldn't find the non-drowsy dramamine before we left, so then I looked for it when we stopped. I managed to find essential oil mixed for it, you're supposed to put it behind your ears when you feel sick. I thought I'd try it. I also finally found some less drowsy dramamine, some ginger gum, and some bracelet contraption all designed to help with motion sickness. Since I have three out of the four, I decided to give them all a try and see how they work and what I can get away with. Will it just make my tummy feel better, or will I be able to read without feeling sick too? How often do I have to take it, how often can I take it? Effects? Those types of things. Keep an eye out, it's on its way!


  1. Sorry to hear about the traveling tummy. But, since you were able to post this I guess you made it ok. :-)

  2. Yep :) And now I have plenty of remedies! About half of them work ;)
