Went to the Y this morning. The whole Christmas break and snow days I stayed away. So now I'm trying to reestablish a habit that was almost there. I have to say though, without a friend coming along for the ride, it's pretty boring. I would be okay if I could skip the commercials on the tv. Since everything I watch at home is recorded on the dvr, or is a dvd, I'm spoiled. I don't have to watch commercials and now they annoy me.
Anyway, after getting all excited on Saturday I'm ready to start mapping out book two in my Annwyn series. This one is called Chased, and although my characters overlap, my main focus is no longer on Taffy and Rafe. They've had their turn.
I'm going to try a different mapping/outlining idea today and see if it works for me and cuts down on some of the repitition when I change my mind in my outline. Or when my characters do something unexpected.
Wish me luck!
Good luck Alta ;) Wow, book #2! You go girl...