Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yesterday's Writing Update

I had a total of 5522 new words when I finished writing yesterday, 13 or 14 new pages I think. I don't know that I've ever had a day that big...but I'm going to try again today! Especially now that I know the basement is a really great escape for it when the kids are home. I'd like to have this draft finished in March, and then jump back to playing with Claimed and get that polished. Then maybe I'll do research for a different series, then come back to polishing up Chased. You can catch a few random lines from Chased on twitter. Okay, now to get the kids to school, get myself ready, then onto writing :) Have a great day, thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. HOLY COW! That was a huge day for you. Way to go!!! (See... I'm stalking you on Twitter and here.)
